Wednesday, April 14, 2010

House Hunt

So an update on the house hunt: Not much. We have made lots of offers just this week, many of them were back up offers. One of them is on a house that backs up to my father-in-law's house and that would be pretty cool. I'm trying to be patient because I know God is going to put us right where he wants us. I'm less concerned with the tax credit as I am with just getting a house! Not really sure what we're going to do if things dont start to move, cant live with my parents for forever although I'm sure they want us to, LOL ;) Please friends and family be praying that we find a home soon.

The other day I bought a pillow to build our living room off of. Josh didnt understand this, AT ALL. I have not bought a single thing for when we have a house, but I saw this pillow and had to have it bc it captured to a tee what colors I want to do in my living room. I saw a couch I liked the other day, too! But I'm being patient.

Although, this is not directly related to our house hunt, it helps: Business is going really well and has REALLY picked up with the rain being pretty much out of the way. We are picking up more commercial accounts and may even be expanding our business to do other things. That is in the works so we'll save that blog for a later date. God has truly blessed us. We have had to learn a lot of things the hard way and dig ourselves out from some pretty hefty holes. Im so grateful for where we are today and for what we have learned.

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